Breaking Tech News | TechGeeze > Blogging > Blogger > How to Make Blogger Blog Do-Follow

28 thoughts on “How to Make Blogger Blog Do-Follow

  1. Yes I am searching for this type of easy and useful tips and now i am got it from your blog, thanks for useful tips this is a such a nice article.

  2. Thanks for the idea given by you to create a new blog. It was a great help i got by visiting by your blog.

  3. is this really help for a blogger like me? but anyway thanks about this info that I got from you, more power to your site ^_^

  4. This is a great tutorial. I understand what you said about spammy comments. I don’t use a captcha on my blog and I notice I get a lot of people searching for blogs without captcha. They insist on leaving their links when they know it’s going to be deleted.

    I have a blogger blog and there is currently no plug in to use for do-follow comments like with wordpress. 

  5. Great explanation. I found that one, remove it, and it really works 🙂
    Anyway, I put back the nofollow tags to avoid the spammy comments.
    I also a bit worried, if too much link spam in my blog, then it may hurt the reputation of my blog in Google’s eyes..

  6. This is amazingly helpful information! I am trying so hard to increase my comments and build a community and I can’t wait to try all of these tips. I do have a question –  I use blogger, and am having trouble making my blog “Do Follow.” After I go to “Layout” I don’t know where to find “Edit html.” I realize this is probably very simple for most, and apologize for bothering you with ridiculous questions, but any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!!

  7. This is very helpful post. Can you please tell me what will be the benefit of dofollow blog in search engines? 

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